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At first I was not happy it had that many miles, but knowing the Mrs wanted the White/Black combo, I was ok. Getting home and opening up the new car spec sheet and seeing "DEMO ONLY NOT FOR SALE" made me a little upset. When paying the finance fella, of course they offer the extended warranty for an add'l $1600. I wonder if they would now offer that for free if I complained. Me personally, I'd take it back for whatever color they have on their lot with no miles, and they can have their DEMO back, but the Mrs. loves the white color.
I had a similar situation. I bought an Elite but it had less than 10 miles on it. The window sticker was not on it, but when i got home i found it in the glove box and it said "Demo Only Do Not Sell" in big letters.
I went back to the dealer and they contacted corporate to make sure there wouldn't be any issues with the sale. They told me that when a new vehicle comes out, certain high volume dealers will get vehicles to use as Demos so they will always have one to show the buyers. They will later sell them as their inventory gets built up.
Mine had actually been in their back lot for almost 3 months. They never realized they had a Demo model until i told them.
It sounds like yours was actually used as a Demo, although that's still not a lot of miles for a demo, usually when they sell them as a demo they may have a couple thousand miles on them but will be discounted as such.
I'm interested in your extended warranty. Would you share who underwrites that extended warranty or who the dealer is an I can check with them. As we put on 20,000 - 27,000 miles a year - I would definitely be interested in that warranty. Thanks.
One of our local Honda dealers offered the same, it's a "powertrain only" warranty. It's a way for them to get your business but our local dealer didn't want to discount their vehicle prices by much.
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