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Anyone tried using the quote from TrueCar as a starting point for bargaining? I'm in CA and in my area the dealers discount is between $3600 and $4000. Here's what a TrueCar offer breakdown looks like:

Passport Elite AWD
Base MSRP $43,680
Factory Installed Options+ $0
Freight Delivery Charge+ $1,045
Total MSRP $44,725
Certified Dealer MSRP Discount- $4,114
Subtotal before Dealer Fees & Accessories $40,611
Dealer Documentation Preparation Charge $85
TruePrice $40,696

This is not OTD, but is it a good price before adding on taxes + registration and whatnot?
Given this
Model Purchased---------- Crystal Black Passport Elite, Black Interior
Accessories Added-------- Splash Guards & Front Window Tint
MSRP----------------------- $44,725
Dealer Price---------------- $39,532
Dealer/Doc & Title Fee ----$206
Sales Tax (7%) --------------$2782
Price out the door ----------$42,520
I guess the dealers can go lower. If I add the 9% tax due then the quote above becomes $44359 and seems a bit high to me.
This price is too high. I was able to get mine for just under $40k from Anderson Honda in Palo Alto, CA. I also saw Livermore Honda advertise one for $39400 after I already purchased mine.
Hi lisuba - thanks for the reply. I'm in the same area and Anderson's quote through TrueCar came out to $40,988 before taxes and fees. Did you get yours with all taxes and fees for under 40k? Because that would be music to my ears :)
I found a triple digit S/N in a dealers inventory here. But why would they discount older S/Ns? How many consumers are savvy enough to know to check the S/N from the VIN and then also care about that?

Also is the discount purely for the fact that it's older? Or also because it may not have fixes that went into the assembly line later?
Seems all the dealers in my area have the "Pro Pack" add on pkg on every Passport. I mean, it's accessories I usually get aftermarket on my last few SUV's but its so very over priced on that front windshield sticker I'm seeing. Don't see them taking that gear off any PPorts at any point.

Short of ordering one, I guess best move is to haggle the price down some on this Pro Pack. But it seems so over priced, one might still pay too much for such adds on at those prices.

Ah well, at least I'm getting a couple more full, OTD prices now and not just sketchy numbers as before. The haggle-dance continues; y'all.

OH AND, not the best pics sales-slug sent me but here is the green colored Passports' I'm seeing in my area.

View attachment 2837
I hate it when dealers put on packages/accessories just to drive the price up :(

Interesting colour. It looks like you really need the light to hit it right for the green to show - just like the copper.
Ended up getting the Obscenely Blue Touring, 2WD today. OTD. @ $38,351. They did very well on my '15 HL trade, I ended up financing an even $27,000.00 with C.U.

Same accessories Pro Pack as most, wheel locks, cargo tray, mud flaps. I haggled down those silly window tint, nitrogen prices so I could add Outdoor Side Lighting just off their price sheet. I may add aftermarket nerf bars or running bars later. Very happy with my deal today. peace, e
Congratulations! Welcome to the owners circle :)
Nice colour there - one of my shortlisted colours (y)
Model Purchased - - - Elite Crystal Black with Black Interior
Accessories Added - - - Running board and cargo cover (dealer threw them in); all weather floor mats (dealer threw in after complaining about AC problem), wheel locks
MSRP - - - $44,725
Discount off MSRP - - - $0
OTT - $50,809

Purchased 48 mo Term Care

Location? How did you use the AC problem to get the free floor mats?
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