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This price is too high. I was able to get mine for just under $40k from Anderson Honda in Palo Alto, CA. I also saw Livermore Honda advertise one for $39400 after I already purchased mine.
As I've seen some others mention, the price is dependent on your location...specifically the supply and demand. Also, I've seen that dealerships are discounting their early stock (check the VIN number) and are much less likely to discount something greater that VIN 10,000 and beyond.
Im still waiting on any white or steel metallic to come in with at least a March production date... Still nothing. May just have to bite the bullet and get one and prepare for the inevitable AC and Radio problems.
BTW, this is for the daughter... But I like them so much that Ill probably get one next year, but I still luv my 2012 Rav4 limited 6 banger.
Attached is the most recent offer out the door. 7% tax rate here, no trade amount figured in yet, but they do know there will be one..
$899 for Dealer Paperwork? Is that legal??? Otherwise, it's a very good deal. From what I've seen, and it depends on your state's tax, $43,000 out the door (no accessories) seems to be a strong purchase price.
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