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I drive to work in the dark, early morning. This morning I was behind a newer Pilot for a while. The thing I like is that it's easy to see the Pilot in the dark because there's a good amount of width to the tail lights when the lights are on. Safety wise (visibility wise), that's a good thing. The Passport only has tail lights on the edges of the vehicle, they don't come "in" any (if you know what I mean). So, in my opinion, they're not as safe / visible as the Pilot since they won't be as easy to see in the dark. Does that make sense?
I ordered very bright rear led turning lights (I used a bud who works on electronics for cars and said they would work 100% and cause no harm and no hyper flash as they use them in Pilots and Accords aftermarket) so if they work I will report back ? $20 dollar risk ???
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